Evolve: 10 Big Things You Need To Know Before Buying

2. Most Of The DLC Is Unnecessary

There is no denying that the current obsession with DLC is irksome at best and morally repugnant at worst. Evolve, with its obnoxious amounts of DLC, seems like the poster boy for this terrible problem pervading the industry. But as bad as it is in this case, what needs to be remembered is that almost all of it is not needed to enjoy the game. Nearly all of the DLC is composed of completely superfluous skin packs that add nothing of any real value to the core experience. They are simply add ons that specialise your character or monster a bit to make them stand out. If missing out on extra skins doesn€™t bother you at all you can be content in knowing you won€™t be left out of genuine content. Even better is that Turtle Rock has said that any new maps and modes will be free of charge so as not to fragment the player base. So what this basically means is that the meaningful content will be free while all the unnecessary fluff won€™t be. Does this mean that Evolve€™s DLC-based business model should be forgiven and accepted? Of course not; gamers have every right to be skeptical of such practices. But at least Evolve isn€™t locking out those who refuse to support it. It could be much worse.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.