Evolve: 10 Big Things You Need To Know Before Buying

3. Yes, The DLC Is Ridiculous

Evolve has a lot of DLC, so much so that it is outright revolting to many gamers. Even in this day and age of overpriced DLC Evolve shocks with its sheer quantity of extra content. Added all together, the total cost of all the DLC is as much as a whole new game. It€™s enough to make you despair. So what exactly do you get with all this extra content, should you choose to partake? Well, the Hunting Season Pass will give you access to four new hunters and three monster skins when they are available. Beyond that there are the numerous skin packs, which do nothing but add cosmetic changes to monsters and weapons. There will be at least one new monster, the Behemoth, released later in the year. This comes as no surprise considering that Turtle Rock Studios has said that Evolve was specifically designed with DLC in mind. Still, the amount of DLC is very overwhelming at first glance and can be a huge turn off depending on how much it bothers you. It makes one pine for the days where this level of DLC madness was nonexistent. With that being said, there is a silver lining to all this€
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.