Evolve: 10 Big Things You Need To Know Before Buying

5. Friends Are Essential

Since Evolve is first and foremost a multiplayer game, it is essential that you have people to play it with in order to get the best experience possible. Like Left 4 Dead, much of the fun factor dissipates when you play it alone. But it€™s not enough to just hop online and use matchmaking to play with random people. Evolve requires communication and teamwork for success; without those you€™ll more likely than not find yourself in a match with less cooperative players who like to wander off by themselves. Therefore it's very important to have a group of reliable friends to play with if you are to reap the full benefits. It€™s much harder to coordinate when you can€™t communicate with your teammates, and communication improves when you are playing with people you know and are comfortable with. It€™s just not the same with a bunch of strangers. Games like Evolve thrive trough comradery, so you€™ll want to make sure you have some enthusiastic buddies to play with before purchasing it. It enhances the experience immensely and makes the positive aspects of the game shine brighter. Definitely consider who you'll be playing with before deciding to pick up Evolve.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.