Evolve: 10 Big Things You Need To Know Before Buying

4. Diverse Classes

As previously mentioned, Evolve separates its hunters into four classes: Assault, Trapper, Medic, and Support. Any fears that these classes aren€™t as diverse as they seem are erased once you actually play the game. All four play quite differently and have unique skills that support each other in fun and interesting ways. Assault class hunters are the damage dealers, so their weapons and abilities focus on power and strength. Trappers focus on leveling the playing field by locating, slowing down, and confusing the monster. Medics use their healing abilities to keep their fellow hunters alive and in the fight. And finally the Support class is a combination of them all, using a variety of offensive and defensive abilities to support the other hunters. What€™s great is that the more you play the more you start to realize how needed every member of the team is. Each class has specific advantages that, when used together by a group of players that know what they are doing, act as a well oiled machine. A perfectly timed combination of the right abilities can be devastating to a fully evolved monster. It€™s a very satisfying feeling when you earn a victory in such a way. Evolve's class system actually adds some depth and strategy to the game, even if it€™s not explicitly apparent, which makes for some pretty rewarding gameplay.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.