Fable Xbox Series SX: 10 Things It Can Learn From Yakuza

3. If It's An Experience, It Gives Experience

Fable yakuza

Everything the player does in Yakuza plays into some sort of levelling system. This can be as simple as pairing your dessert, wine, and meal choices to make sure Kiryu gets a little bonus experience to level up his abilities faster. However, not everything ties into the standard levelling system.

Making friends at a bar? Each has their own appreciation level, and your ranking in the bar has an overall level too.

Have a clan of fighters at your beck and call to clean up the streets? Each will level up individually, although you can spend some of your combat experience to help train them personally.

Started running a hostess club? Each hostess levels up as she gains experience and the club itself levels up as it gains customers.

Friendships, side hustles, jobs, romances, your relationship with your daughter, and even how well you've been singing karaoke all have a level in the Yakuza games and this encourages players to spend more time in the world if they want to see everything there is to see.

Working this idea of life, gamified into Fable can only help the reboot to define itself just as the originals did.

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Fable 4
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