Fallout: 10 Biggest Controversies

8. Atomic Shop – Fallout 76

Fallout 76
Bethesda Softworks

Games featuring micro-transactions have come in for a lot of flak recently (here’s looking at you, EA) but the Atomic Shop in Fallout 76 may have been the worst of them all. Like Fallout 76 needed any more controversy at launch, The Atomic Shop was just one of many questionable decisions that marred the early days of the game’s launch.

The problem didn’t lie with allowing players to purchase fun and silly cosmetics for their character, hell, even I have been suckered into the odd add-on or two. The controversy stems from the frankly ludicrous pricing of the items in the Atomic Shop.

One particularly egregious addition to the shop came in the form of a “Christmas Emote Bundle”, which apart from doing almost nothing, came in at a whopping 1200 atoms or in real world currency, just under £15!

Although the entire landscape of the Atomic Shop has changed, including lower pricing and the addition of free weekly items, many players of the series will still be left with a bad taste in their mouths, and some useless virtual hats in their closet.

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