Fallout: 10 Biggest Controversies

7. Censorship – Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout 76

Censorship is a rather polarising topic when it comes to videogames.

On the one hand, developers have a responsibility to make sure their games are suitable, safe and enjoyable for a wide-ranging and multi-cultural audience. On the other, censorship may feel like pandering excess in an age where developers and fans alike are under constant scrutiny with regards to the type of content they put out.

Regardless, censorship controversies are something one might more readily associate with Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto series and not Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic forays. Especially, not the much beloved New Vegas.

There are however, a couple of nation specific censorship’s in this title, notably the German release. Germany have a historic issue with blood and gore appearing in their media, so their exclusion in New Vegas is no surprise. There is however, a much more controversial censor which affected all international copies of the game.

The Med-X consumable, which increased the players damage resistance and in-turn turned you into a bit of a tank, was originally going to be called MORPHINE in-game. Yeah, that morphine.

One can’t help but imagine the problems that would have arisen with associating a power-up, with a very strong and very addictive real-life painkiller.

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