Fallout: 10 Reasons New Vegas Is The Best One

6. Big MT and The Divide

fallout new vegas

Fallout and Elder Scrolls excel when it comes to DLC. Creating small secluded bits of content is where Bethesda shines. But, if you want to look for the best examples of DLC, you once again have to look at New Vegas.

Whilst all the DLC is pretty stellar, The Old World Blues and Lonesome Road DLC are absolutely outstanding and well worth playing the game solely to experience these bits of content. Old World Blues has some of the most interesting and estranged characters the series has to offer, alongside one of the most interesting and intricate world spaces.

The Lonesome Road is the perfect end to New Vegas. Trudging through dangerous terrain with a robot side-kick, piecing together your past whilst coming to terms with unknown mistakes is absolutely brilliant. Not to mention the philosophical undertones that highlight the entire journey.

If you haven't played them, change that immediately!

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.