Fallout 4: 10 Big Ways Bethesda Have Listened To Fan Complaints

10. More Involved Companions

Companions have always been a staple of the Fallout series. With a wide selection of colourful characters being able to join in on your adventures in both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, fans of the series are no doubt hoping to meet an equal amount of memorable comrades on their journey through Fallout 4's Boston ruins. However, in those previous titles the companions you could pick up on your travels, while colourful and interesting, were rarely more than an extra gun to help you out in sticky situations. New Vegas attempted to change this by giving companions a background and personal quests, however it's looking like Fallout 4 is going one step further to make these side-kicks even more involved in the world. Even with Dogmeat, who you presumably meet very early in the game, you're given a wealth of new options to make the new companion more involved and integrated into the gameplay. With new additions such as Dogmeat's ability to scavenge through rubble for you or to scout out new areas, it looks like Bethesda has knuckled-down on fleshing out and adding more robust interactivity to these imaginative characters.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3