Fallout 4: 10 Characters We Need To See Again

4. Set

"Stride to the water shed, dirt-nap the mutants there. Do it, you continue a walker. Don't, you rest."
As evidenced above, this sneering, horribly irradiated ghoul leader of Necropolis had one of the greatest dialects in Fallout history. More often than not, Set was making threats at the player, employing his distinct vocabulary in an attempt to unnerve the player - as if his appearance wasn't enough. Set is hardly a significant character, but he's one of the few, more hostile characters to have left a positive impression on those who have come across him. His appearance is comical, his manner is snappy, and position his of power is utterly farcical: Set is more akin to a jealous understudy than a commanding leader. Seeing as we're never told of Set's fate in the original Fallout, it's possible that the snarling ghoul would still be alive and fit for a return to the series.
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Fallout 4
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