Fallout 4: 10 Core Improvements Fans Haven’t Considered
2. Horses
Not vehicles, horses - Skyrim-style. Plenty fans have debated the pros and cons of having ridable cars or bikes out in the wasteland, just like in Mad Max - but consider how you play Fallout, for a start. The bane of introducing a fast travel mechanic to your world is that most players, once they've found a place and need to return there, will always choose the option from a menu rather than explore to see what they'd find along the way. This was remedied perfectly in Skyrim thanks to its procedural quest-generating system that meant characters would approach and offer you varying tasks - as well as the world itself being positively teaming with things to see, do and collect. It literally benefitted you to traverse the world every single time, and doing so on horseback was just the right speed to take everything in. Vehicles could still work a treat - motorbikes in particular would suit the ragtag look of the world, as oppose to cruising around in a refurbished Corvega - but let's have a loyal steed to get about on.