Fallout 4: 10 Core Improvements Fans Haven’t Considered

6. Collectibles - A Reason To Explore The World

Far too many times you'll be wandering through a dilapidated city with piles of rubble in all directions - yet Bethesda still let you venture down into alcoves and tight corridors of debris, potentially getting stuck along the way. This is most likely included as a way to stave of resorting to invisible walls, but how about say one in every three-to-five of these has something worth discovering at the end? It could be human remains from someone who'd hunkered down and eventually passed away, ammunition caches put aside during a heated battle or any number of supplementary items tucked away where the respective person thought they'd never be found. Yes it's supposed to be a post-apocalyptic take on America with all the desolate trimmings that come alongside, but it's also a video game - and if you're going to code areas for gamers to explore, they will. It'd just be far more rewarding if there were things to bring back in return.
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