Fallout 4: 10 Core Improvements Fans Haven’t Considered

4. Mutagens/Radiation Stat-Boosts

Whilst you explore and discover the irradiated world of Fallout, it seems radiation is your mortal enemy; the Sword of Damacles forever waiting to bump you off the mortal coil if you get too careless with your Nuka Cola or stockpile of rat meat. However, some of the rest of the world's inhabitants see the effects of radiation turn into immense power - with the Super Mutants and Behemoths in particular becoming very iconic enemies to take down. It's up for debate whether or not you'd like the ability to get as big as some of these aforementioned characters, but by spending time in certain zones, crafting immunity potions - or some other such 'video gamey' plot point - it'd be brilliant to let your Lone Wanderer become a more able product of their environment over time. It doesn't have to be as over-the-top as this idea; instead simply building up an immunity to the radiation would be a start - not to mention then including weapons and items that would work best in your hands only.
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