Fallout 4: 10 Craziest Fan-Demands That Won't Be Included

8. No Loading Screens

Okay, file this one under the 'has potential' column, as although heavyweights Rockstar and Naughty Dog have gotten around the age-old loading screen problem by front-loading everything with a massive wait and then letting you run amok within, Bethesda so far have always had whopping great screen-fillers dividing everything as you go from place to place. The reason is most likely hard-wired into their coding of the game, something that ties back into the idea of a brand new engine either being the salvation to everyone's problems, or even more of a mess. Chances are with the world of Fallout being as gigantic as it is, this'll be more of the same. You're free to travel around on foot and let everything procedurally load in as you go, or you can fast-travel to other, more notable points having sat through a few seconds of waiting.
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Fallout 4
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