Fallout 4: 10 Craziest Fan-Demands That Won't Be Included

4. An Easier Difficulty Setting

Now, many fans think this to be the worst idea possible, and potentially so - the idea of a far lower, more forgiving difficulty setting just 'wouldn't be Fallout, dammit!' Maybe they're right, or maybe the incredibly unforgiving difficulty of Fallout 3 is the reason Skyrim became a mainstream pop-culture phenomenon whilst Fallout was left as the 'gamer's game'. Obviously nobody wants anything resembling hand-holding, but can you honestly say you had any feeling other than frustration when you're trapped in the middle of nowhere with no ammo, Stimpaks or health to get you by? The save system in Fallout allows you to dictate the difficulty to some degree, custom-checkpointing your way through if you see fit, but the biggest reason newcomers always give up bashing their head against the progression wall is purely down to the game being so unforgiving. All that being said though Bethesda aren't about to royally distance themselves from one of the most furiously-devoted followings in modern gaming when it comes to the feel of surviving out in the wasteland - anything less than a game world that feasts on your dreams and explorative aspirations for breakfast is just unacceptable.
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Fallout 4
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