Fallout 4: 10 Essential Features It Must Have

8. Something To Please The Fans Of Old

It can be anything - a set of older armour, a returning character (Razor perhaps?), an original Khans poster - anything really, just something to show that Black Isle Studio's original masterworks that built the foundation for Bethesda's millions at least get some additional credit. Black Isle were understandably disheartened that they couldn't finish their original vision for Fallout 3 - being it was pretty much finished when big-boys Bethesda came crashing in and snapped up the rights, sacking the Black Isle guys along the way and revamping it their own way. As is natural when any creative property changes hands, it just doesn't sit well with some long-time fans. So for as many people that got into Fallout's new direction - or others who made the transition - there's still an undercurrent of hatred from a select few that feel part three lost some of that core identity in the switchover.
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