Fallout 4: 10 Incredible Franchise Moments That Made Us Hardcore Fans

7. Meeting The Master in Fallout 1

If there is one area where the newer Fallout games are lacking, it is a menacing but, at the same time, awesome antagonist. That€™s because the world of Fallout is filled with ancillary characters who, despite being minor NPCs, still refrain from being simple one-note characters provided that you take the time to know them. Almost nobody is purely good or evil. Mostly, everyone is just trying to survive and look after their own and they€™ll go to varying lengths in order to achieve this goal. Even truly despicable characters like the slavers of Paradise Falls or Caesar€™s legions can become your buddies provided you share their passion for murder and mayhem. Things were a bit different in the original Fallout games. Those of you who played the first Fallout will, undoubtedly, remember your encounter with the Master, the main antagonist of the game. He was a force of true evil, the one who unleashed the deadly super mutants onto the world. His ultimate goal was, basically, to eradicate mankind by turning everyone into mutants and sterilizing those who didn€™t fall in line. Your meeting with the Master is made all that more memorable thanks to the options presented to you. You actually had the possibility of siding with the Master if you wanted to play like a bad guy. This was pretty astounding. Sure, moral choices are all the rage in games nowadays, but we€™re talking 1997. This was a game where you finally meet the final boss€ and you could join him and turn to the dark side. Or you could be the savior of humanity and eliminate the threat (and get exiled for your troubles).
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Fallout 4
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Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.