Fallout 4: 10 Incredible Franchise Moments That Made Us Hardcore Fans

5. The March Of Liberty Prime In Fallout 3

Part of what makes the Fallout franchise so great is that it never really adhered to convention. Experienced gamers know the tropes that come with each gaming genre, but few of them actually make it into a Fallout game. For example, let€™s take a look at the end of Fallout 3. You have just escaped the grasp of President Eden, you have met up with the Brotherhood of Steel and you have to take on the Enclave one last time in order to ensure the success of Project Purity. You€™re ready; Lyon€™s Pride is ready; €œit€ is ready. By €œit€, of course, we€™re referring to Liberty Prime, the giant robot built to fight against communist China. So here we have the biggest, meanest, most dangerous thing in the game. You€™ve almost reached the end so standard convention would suggest boss fight, right? Well, not here. Leave it to Fallout to take the most powerful €œcreature€ in the game and put it on your side during the final fight. At first, some gamers might find this a little disappointing. After all, boss fights are there for a reason. What better way to finish a game than by defeating the worst the game has to offer? Still, the march of Liberty Prime more than makes up for it in entertainment value. There is a lot of pleasure to be derived from watching the Enclave mercilessly get slaughtered by a giant laser-beaming, nuke-throwing robot while spouting anti-communist propaganda. €œDemocracy is truth; communism is death!€
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Fallout 4
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Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.