Fallout 4: 10 Killer E3 Announcements Besthesda Need To Make

9. Fully Fleshed Out Moral Choices

Fallout 3€™s karma system was - at the time - a beautiful thing. Player€™s decisions finally had a sense of impact within the game, sculpting the game€™s world but also moulding the character through each morally-significant action. For example you could let some feral ghouls into Tenpenny Tower, thus violently eradicating it€™s current residents, but it would come at the cost of drastically altering the ways in which key NPCs treated your character. Conversely, behaving as some kind of benevolent adventurer would limit the ways in which you could interact with the seedier side of society. It wasn€™t a perfect system, but it was interesting, engaging and added an extra level of depth to gameplay. After a while however, these moral choices became noticeably binary. Either the decisions that you made had very limited consequences, or the choices themselves were horribly finite. We€™d love to see the introduction of some moral complexity into Fallout€™s karma system, so that if we do decide to nuke a peaceful settlement it€™s not just because we just fancied some extra caps and some free accommodation.
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