Fallout 4: 10 Simple Fixes That Would Improve Everything

5. Fewer Invisible Wall Issues

There can be few things more frustrating in an open-world RPG than spotting a seemingly reachable piece of land only to find that it is completely inaccessible without any kind of logical explanation. There's this promise of exploration sitting right in front of your character, but no matter how many times you attempt to jump over, run past or blast through the inexplicable barrier, the territory ahead remains beyond your character's reach. It's no minor issue; the invisible wall can turn an open-world experience into a linear one. The existence of invisible walls is sometimes a necessary evil of game design, but it needn't be so blatantly and unashamedly implemented as it was in Fallout: New Vegas, blocking characters from taking shortcuts, sealing off entire areas of the map and spoiling any sense of immersion in the process. If you're going to give players an open-world game, then it's only reasonable that they should be able to explore whatever areas are logically accessible to their character. Instead of a barely registrable incline, shouldn't it be made clearer to players where exactly the map's boundaries rest?
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Fallout 4
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