Fallout 4: 10 Specific Things We Can't Wait To See Improved

7. The Ability To Play Stealth Confidently

Early reports from those with leaked/press copies of the game have come back noting that sneaking your way through places feels more confident, accomplished and viable, but in terms of an actual gameplay style, it remains to be seen. Instead, we've seen countless clips of the new Lone Wanderer blasting seven bells out of everything with whatever weaponry he can get his hands on, although if you think back to Skyrim, the option to skulk around and even perform stealth kills was something Bethesda had started implement in full back then. Fallout 4's level layouts surely don't favour a quieter approach (a prominent set-piece in the leaked footage shows an entire construction area filled with Super-Mutants getting shot to bits), but there's every possibility the stealth implementation could just be to thin the ranks, before you finish everyone else off guns blazing.
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