Fallout 4: 10 Specific Things We Can't Wait To See Improved

6. Melee Combat

There's a slight awkwardness (that doubles as a bucketload of charm if you can get on board) to the feel of controlling your character in third person across both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. So far, in Fallout 4's new footage it's clear Bethesda have prioritised getting the third-person mode up to snuff, moving away from third-person looking like you're watching what would otherwise be first-person gameplay from a different perspective. Now you can reportedly take cover contextually (which looking at the leaked control scheme, means you'll tap up to hide, as oppose to having a dedicated button, Mass Effect 1-style), but it's when you close the gap on someone or have an enemy right next to you, where a quick and effective melee bash would work a treat. The leaked controls list shows a 'Bash' prompt on RB/R1, which is most likely this new melee button, but we'll have to wait and see how much better that is in comparison to switching to fists or meaty melee weapons like before.
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