Fallout 4: 10 Things It Did Better Than EVERY Other RPG

7. A Rewarding & Intense Survival Mode

Fallout 4 character

There you are, stuck in the middle of a super mutant camp. You’re loaded down with loot, low on health and you’re all out of food and water. You know they’re going to find you, it’s only a matter of time. Oh, why didn’t I save when I had the chance??

If you think your romp through the wasteland is too easy, then why not activate Survival Mode?

Added in a post-game patch specially made for sadists, Survival adds a lot more features in an attempt to make the game more “Realistic.”

Your character will now have to fulfil basic needs such as sleeping, eating and drinking. As well as this, ammo now has weight, the damage of enemies is significantly increased, and you can’t save whenever you want. Don’t worry, this mode adds a lot of other features to make your life harder... if for some reason you want that.

While Fallout New Vegas had a similar mode on release, this version is much improved. Systems such as doctors and beds that were previously underused are now essential for survival.

Other RPGs may have harder difficulties but not better survival stories.

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Fallout 4
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