Fallout 4: 10 Things That Must Happen In 2015

7. Confirmation Of Setting

Another slightly obvious one, although with the amount of rumours flying around you'd think this was going to be set anywhere from a particularly labyrinthine Vault to the streets of Boston. A leaked email last year did confirm the New England Patriots' hometown, only for another to 'confirm' Massachusetts - only for another to state it's New York. It seems for every different Fallout fan you come across they'd like to see their own favourite city of choice turned into the all-singing all-zombie-shufflin' hellhole of choice. Whatever happens, hopefully at least one of the inclusions of this list will make it through, and coupled with the extra kick of the new hardware it'll make for some gorgeous (in a thoroughly destroyed sort of way) vistas, landscapes, bombed-out cities and everything in between.
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