Fallout 4: 12 Early Reactions You Need To Know

1. ...But Hardcore Fans Should Probably Lower Your Expectations

Arts Technica summarised it beautifully by saying this: "series fanatics probably shouldn't cancel their pre-orders, but they should definitely check their expectations about ambition and next-gen series boosts at the radioactive vault's doors." Fallout 4 arrives on such a massive tidal wave of hype and positive buzz that it would be very easy to be disappointed, in much the same way that MGS V looked like it was going to be the second coming of Christ but suffered under a wildly underwhelming story (even if it was magnificent in most other areas). Fallout 4 may be a fantastic game and one of the best of the year, but it's worth considering that the game just might be great rather than "GOAT". It's always thrilling when your expectations are superseded, but if you pitch them at the sky and hope for the stars, you're probably letting yourself in for a letdown. What do you make of the Fallout 4 reviews? Shout them out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.