Fallout 4: 12 Most Intriguing Rumours So Far

9. The Commonwealth

One of the more interesting quests in Fallout 3 was one called The Replicated Man, where the player had to track down an android on the run and decide whether to hand him over to the authorities or help him continue hiding in plain sight. But during that question, a limited volume of information is stated about the Commonwealth. Further references were made in each of the DLCs for Fallout 3, but nothing specific about what it is like there; other than the Android uprisings and the Railroad organisation which seeks to work against the Institute who created the androids in the first place. This was one of the reasons why the Survivor 2299 website was believed as it made mention of the Institute, and the link to Boston in the Kotaku casting leak as it was codenamed Institute. Including the Commonwealth and the Railroad would provide interesting additional factions to work against (or with) the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave, who will inevitably be included as the main factions in the forthcoming game. So including the Commonwealth would be a good way of rounding out the story and should result in an interesting plot - plus the fans are eager to see more about these guys, so it€™s really a win-win. Likelihood: 10/10
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