Fallout 4: 12 Settings That Would Be Better Than Boston

2. Miami, Florida

If Hotline Miami, Scarface, Miami Vice and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City are to be believed, we should expect plenty of neon, strippers, and cocaine to exist, even after the nuclear apocalypse. Of course, most of these ridiculous tropes are more heavily associated with 1980s' Miami, which leaves us with holidaying, palm trees and art deco hotels. Still, Miami would make for an interesting setting given its reputation as the 'fun and sun' capital of the United States. It would be absorbing to stroll along a somewhat decimated South Beach, taking in the various architectural styles while attempting to discover what has become of this once iconic area of the city. As an added bonus,the state of Florida is also home to a veritable smorgasbord of deadly animals for Bethesda to play god with: alligators, crocodiles, bobcats, black bears, deadly snakes, cougars and of course, the lethal manatee. Considering that they managed to turn the humble horseshoe crab into an armoured killing machine, there can be little doubt that traversing the Everglades, or even the overgrown ruins of Miami will not be without its ludicrously-mutated threats.

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