Fallout 4: 12 Settings That Would Be Better Than Boston

8. Beijing, China

Admittedly, we're hardly likely to see a Fallout game set in Beijing, but the Chinese capital, with its many ties to the Fallout universe, would be the perfect setting for players hoping to see a more unique side of the series. This might alienate many fans who are drawn to the American post-war aesthetic of previous Fallout incarnations, but it would surely be worth it for the opportunity to explore that capitalist culture's polar opposite. With Sino-American conflicts preceding nuclear armageddon, there's a great deal of lore to be explored outside of U.S. borders. The pre-war Chinese threat is constantly referenced throughout Fallout 3, with Chinese radio stations, dead Chinese soldiers and a number of Chinese weapons appearing in the game; it would be refreshing to see that element of the series in a more fully fleshed-out form. Regardless, who wouldn't love to skulk through the ruins of a decrepit Forbidden City?

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