Fallout 4: 8 Whiny ‘Fan’ Complaints That Won’t Be Addressed

8. "Voicing The Protagonist Sucks"

Cry to the heavens, it seems that a game. In 2015. Will feature a voiced protagonist. It's almost like Mass Effect did that about a decade ago and it was a huge success, who could've predicted this madness?! Okay, I'll not be doing that tone any more, but come on - putting a voice behind the Lone Wanderer has so much potential for good it's really just asinine to focus on the negatives. And that's if you think "Well I imagined myself saying the lines" as a negative in the first place. Seriously, when the realisation we'd be playing as a character who'd vocalise their thoughts settled in, tons of past Fallout players took to the forums to proclaim it as a backwards step, insinuating it wasn't 'real Fallout' unless you were piloting an empty husk of a 'character' through a desolate, colourless environment. It's far easier to remember, grow attached to and empathise with a voiced hero more than just a model with a handful of emotes (take GTA's CJ/Tommy Vercetti versus Claude from III), and as Bethesda are wanting to tell a more impactful tale overall, boosted by what's been touted as 13,000 lines of dialogue between male and female options, it's a no-brainer that this is the only way forward.
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