Fallout 4: 9 Ways You're Playing It Wrong

6. Try Out Different Builds

It's easy to focus on the gunplay of Fallout, being it's the main area that's seen the most improvement in comparison to the last two games, but you should always mess around a bit with different character builds before you really settle on one. Do you want to be a brawler, taking people on with an assortment of melee weapons like a wasteland savage? A smooth-talking ladies man (or man-seducing bombshell) who tries to talk his way through every situation? A doofus with low intelligence but a huge amount of caps through boosted luck? You've got to think hard about what type of game you're going to want to play for the next hundred hours. While playing through Fallout like any other shooter is all well and good, a little bit of role-playing can go a long way. Even though the game lets you be a jack-of-all-trades, it doesn't mean you can't focus on a few core attributes, using others when the situation arises. By tailoring your builds to fit the style of certain characters, you can give Bethesda's new game that bit more of a personal touch.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3