Fallout 4 DLC Wishlist: 9 Things Fans Demand

7. ANY Reason To Explore The Remaining Wasteland Areas

"REASON?! We don't need a reason, we're Fallout fans!" Yes, yes, I hear the cries and you're right, any self-identifying Fallout fan certainly doesn't need a reason to comb the wilderness for goodies and crafting components. However, if you take away that drive and assumption built up from years of past releases, Fallout 4's actual establishing of drive when it comes to getting yourself out there is... well, lacking, to say the least. Once you've finished the main story, you'll only have seen the northern half of the map. Sure, you can say that discovery is its own reward, the overall 'pull' of F4 does so little to advance itself from the previous two, that we need something else to prompt us in a given direction. Mission packs, distress beacons, characters gone missing - anything. Make one of the DLC packs a Witcher 3's Hearts of Stone-style addition to the existing game world, maybe setting quests in places we didn't even realise had so much to offer.
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