Fallout 5: 10 Majorly Important Fixes It Must Have
1. Less Fetch Quests

Fallout 4 has an almost infinite amount of quests, from protecting settlements for the Minutemen, gathering tech for the Brotherhood and rescuing synths for the Railroad, which has kept people playing the game well after they’ve completed the storyline.
Unfortunately, the majority of these missions are nothing more than fetch quests. Go to this area, pick up this item and bring it back, or kill all these enemies, caps, repeat. In an RPG like Fallout, fetch quests are important, as they give you an actual reason to explore all of the different areas of the map, but Fallout 4 just had too many.
The Far Harbour DLC included some more interesting missions, like having to unlock memories in a synth’s mind via virtual reality themed puzzles (some players didn’t like these missions, but at least they were something different). Hopefully for the next Fallout game we’ll see more mission variety and much less filler fetch quests.
Was Fallout 4 a masterpiece, or did it have room for improvement? Let us know in the comments!