Fallout 5: 10 Majorly Important Fixes It Must Have
2. Improved Settlement Building Across The Board
The settlement building feature in Fallout 4 was a new addition to the franchise. Instead of searching for a settlement to rent a bed or store your belongings, you could actually build your own. From simple one-room shacks to complex, multi-level towns to a house in the shape of a Star Wars AT-AT, players pushed this new building feature to the limit.
Despite its popularity with gamers, the building mechanics were far from perfect. There was no ‘move item’ button, meaning if you wanted to turn an object around you had to literally pick it up and turn your character.
The game didn't properly explain how to power things with electricity either, and with so many different conduits and electric cables to choose from in the building menu, it wasn’t easy to pick up. Also, each settlement could only have so many items in it before it became ‘full’, meaning you could build the perfect town... but then have no more room for any furniture.
For the next Fallout game, this feature really needs to be simplified. Keep the more complex elements for the gamers who understood how they all worked, but include some optional yet detailed tutorials for others, and add extra buildable elements that have pre-built electrical components included (like the walls of the Vault in the Vault Tec DLC).