Fallout 5: 10 Majorly Important Fixes It Must Have
3. More Enemy Variety

The enemies in the Fallout series have always been interesting and memorable. From giant ants to Super Mutants to radroaches, the creatures you have to take on during your journey have really stood out from enemies in other games.
However, in Fallout 4, the enemy variety seemed quite tame. It’s pretty much just Raiders, Super Mutants, ferals and Mirelurks, with a few radroaches and botflys thrown in for good measure, along with whoever you upset during the main story missions.
You do get some ragstags, Yao Guia's and the infamous Deathclaws roaming around certain areas, but these were the same enemies seen in all the other Fallout games.
The DLCs did add some newer enemies to the mix, like crickets and mutant worms, but it felt like Bethesda didn’t really make the effort to improve the overall enemy variety for Fallout 4. For the next Fallout game, Bethesda need to go all out with different enemies.
The radiated setting gives them free reign to ‘mutate’ virtually any animal/insect, so they have introduce some new enemies to stop the current ones from getting stale.