Fallout 5: 10 Things It Must Include
3. New Engine

Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 were all developed on Bethesda’s Creation engine, meaning a title developed in the mid 2000s shared the same engine as one developed for the new generation of consoles.
This directly affected Fallout 4 and led to many questions as to why Bethesda had neglected to create a new engine for so long. Graphically, Fallout 4 was mostly excellent, but it is undeniable that it had some issues and paled in comparison to other role-playing games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
It is time Bethesda developed a new engine, not just for Fallout, but for the Elder Scrolls and other titles it may have in development. This would give Fallout 5 a new fresh coat of paint that would upgrade the game’s graphical and technical capabilities significantly, putting it on par with - or ahead of - other major series in the genre.
The series’ well known modding community would also receive a boost, and once the engine was mastered by these mod developers, Fallout 5 could thrive with thousands of mods, keeping the game alive for years after its release.
The Creation engine is just too old, and for the above reasons, we need a new engine in Fallout 5.