Fallout 76: 10 New Gameplay Details You Need To Know
7. There's No NPCs (Except Robots)

One of the most alarming details revealed by Todd Howard at E3 was that Fallout 76 will actually ship without any NPCs. Unlike past games, real-life players are now being tasked with adopting the roles that would have usually gone to the A.I. in older titles, acting as vendors, raiders and helpers while out on your journey.
In theory this could be huge, forcing you to interact with the world in new ways, and add an air of anxiety to the mix every time you come into contact with someone out in the wastes (will they have the resource you need? Are they willing to barter? Will they just shoot you in the face?).
Unfortunately though, it does pose one major question: how the hell are quests going to work? In previous titles you usually receive missions by talking to characters you meet in the world, something which looks to be entirely absent from this release.
It has been revealed that robots will replace living, breathing characters, which will at least give you someone to interact with that can't berate you down the mic. Presumably they'll be the way you actually receive and cash in quests, but that doesn't remedy the fact that this system could leave the world of Fallout 76 feeling far less detailed than previous titles.