Fallout 76: 8 New Details You Need To Know

5. Stealth Has More Purpose

Fallout 76 Vault Boy

Whether it's Elder Scrolls or Fallout that you opt to scrutinize, it matters not - both series' have always struggled to accommodate would be ninjas with intuitive and rewarding gameplay for their efforts and largely boil down to 'crouching makes you less easy to detect and adds an arbitrary damage multiplier.'

Fallout 76 isn't about to revolutionise that method of play, but Bethesda is at least trying its best to offer more reasons to go semi-prone, including a new feature that shy and timid players will no doubt use more than the triggers.

Due to the very nature of the post-apocalypse, not every other human you encounter will be interested in surviving the harsh climate together, so there needs to be a means of evading those deemed to be a threat.

Should you lay eyes on another player, crouching will immediately remove your marker from their minimap, giving you the freedom to pass by unnoticed or, if you're the aggressor to be feared, get the drop on them. It's a neat addition to an otherwise underused feature and, hopefully, Bethesda's got further as-yet unannounced changes on the way for lovers of espionage.

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Fallout 76
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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.