Fallout 76: 9 Past Franchise Problems It Can Finally Fix

5. Colourful & Inviting World

Fallout 76

Say what you like about "Well, it's a post-apocalyptic world, there wouldn't BE any colour!", but Fallout 3's entirely smushed-grey palette is pretty damn off-putting, and New Vegas swapping that for a rusty subway bathroom brown didn't help.

The latter mixed things up nicely when you finally got to New Vegas, but Fallout 4 recognised this issue from the get-go. Now we have 76 taking the revamped approach and pairing it with the fact we're playing as new explorers wandering in every direction.

Bethesda have noted there'll be various Virginia folklore creatures in the game for us to find, and that's before you get to the player/character motivation of wanting to explore every last nook and cranny to see what you can find.

The best discoverable parts of all Fallouts have always been more in the writing, characters and moral dilemmas than anything visual. Fallout 4 started to change that, but it really sounds like 76 is taking the next logical step.

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Fallout 76
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