Fallout 76: 9 Past Franchise Problems It Can Finally Fix

4. Interior Loading & Seamless Exploration

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Something of a small bugbear that makes all the difference (just ask Yakuza 6), past Fallouts instancing every part of the world separately lead to a LOT of load times, when it would be remarkable to have interiors ready and waiting on the other side of a doorway.

According to Bethesda, Fallout 76 is 16x more detailed than Fallout 4 - though whether that means open-world detail, texturing or that work has been done when meshing the world together, we'll have to wait and see.

Loading interiors this old school way also sets up the game engine for failure. Carrying NPCs and players from one loaded state to the next has seen many crashes and hangups - something I can only see getting worse when it's real people with real connection woes all needing to be grouped together.

Here's to a Fallout where - like vast majority of The Witcher 3 - everything is good to go.

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Fallout 76
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