Fan-Casting The Legend Of Zelda TV Show

1. Link - Timothee Chalamet

the legend of zelda tv

The role of Link is just as complicated to cast as Zelda but on the opposite end of the spectrum.

This hero needs to capture the physically robust, daring and dangerous qualities of a sword-wielding hero but must be careful about overdoing it on machismo and masculinity. Link is fascinating because of his non-heroic appearance. His smaller size and elven features make him a non-traditional hero, and his casting would need to reflect that.

Timothee Chalamet would be a sublime pick, as his face manages to capture a sense of softness and delicateness whilst still making him appear like he could be a dangerous threat. He's fantastic at playing the hero, thanks to his versatility and unique look, and while he might not sport the iconic mousey blonde locks, this could easily be rectified.

One important detail that needs to be noted is that it makes sense to age Link up a bit. Seeing a child go through the turmoil that comes with possessing the spirit of the hero is great, but casting someone who is older but still reflects youth means the character could have far more longevity, and the actor can be more experienced.

Chalamet matches this requirement very well, and would ensure a long career for the wielder of the Master Sword.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!