Fan-Casting The Legend Of Zelda TV Show

4. Tingle - Ben Schwartz

the legend of zelda tv

While many might think that Navi takes the crown for being the most annoying character in the Legend of Zelda series, plenty of others would rather see that title go to the fairy wannabe Tingle. This is one of the franchise's love them or hate them characters, as his ridiculous appearance is iconic, but his grating personality is aggravating.

Best known for his roles as Sonic The Hedgehog, and Jean-Ralphio in Parks and Rec, Ben Schwartz is an excellent choice for this part. His ridiculously high energy is always a treat to watch, and while it's often irritating, it still charms you, thanks to how hard he commits to it.

In addition to this, the actor's reputation of not taking himself seriously and excelling in improvisation would mean he'd be comfortable with the embarrassing nature of the role. The ability to poke fun of yourself is something many comedians have, but Schwartz is particularly good at it, as his comedy is always over-the-top and goofy.

The words "Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!" would understandable sound ridiculous coming out of anyone's mouth, but with Schwartz, they just might work.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!