Far Cry 4: 10 Things We Want To See

6. More Vehicles That Suit The Landscape

It is an inevitable and universal truth that all games with drivable vehicles in must contain a basic jeep of some description. In every Far Cry to date a jeep has been the predominant way to travel (with perhaps the exception of Far Cry: Instinct and your cat/Tarzan-esque ability to leap through the trees with what some would call the greatest of ease.) With the new change of scenery to a more snowy climate, filled with the quintessential peaks, it seems time to shake up the formula slightly. Ramping hills are usually not a video game protagonists friend; whether it's the jump-up-the-mountain competitions of Skyrim, or the particularly slidy grass that seems to cover most of Far Cry 3, the butter-boots handed out to all first person player characters are not at home on hills. Luckily, mankind has encountered this sort of terrain before! We have come prepared to best Mother Nature wherever she may dwell. We say abandon the 4X4 with Far Cry 3 and usher in the age of the ski! Of the skidoo! Of the chairlift and the snowboard, the cold weather helicopter (the already shown gyrocopter will do), the mountain yak and the elephant! Let's leave the simple boats and basic jeeps behind and embrace what really makes our hearts pump about the mountains, speed! But pack the wingsuit... let's not leave behind the very best.
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Far Cry 4
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A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.