Far Cry 4: 10 Things We Want To See

5. Let's Keep Moving While Min Monologues

Vaas was many things. Psychopath, brother to a promiscuous and beautiful woman, a recession beating employer who blackmailed thousands of nameless drones into henchman work for virtually no pay; but first and foremost he was an orator! Good God that man loved to monologue, to lord over the petty hero of the story whilst he had you captured in a cage. To test you psychologically was his greatest pleasure, to goad you, to demoralise you, to let your own thoughts provide the torture. Which all would have been Oscar winning traits were this a film where the protagonist is free to enact their own actions in return - to reply, to swipe at Vaas through the bars - anything! As it is, the protagonist is in a video game where unique actions are expensive and new animations time draining. So, Jason Brody, a man who single handedly cuts the population of an island nation by a third sits quietly and lets Vaas talk at him rather than to him, rendered mute by the ability of the scriptwriters to give him no lines (which are also expensive.) Perhaps Far Cry 4, with a presumably bigger or at least equal budget to Far Cry 3, will be the game to shake up the tiresome trope of monologuing villain while your controllers faithfully shut down and await a time when it is appropriate to escape. Give us the opportunity to attempt melee attacks through the bars! Let us have to dig under the bamboo cage whilst Pagan Min has his back turned! At the very least allow us a quick time event to pull his smug self indulgent face against the bars of the cage and break his nose! Is that really too much to ask? A little specific violence in a game cram packed with mindless violence?
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Far Cry 4
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A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.