Far Cry 4: 10 Things We Want To See

4. More James Bond And Less Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Far Cry 3 made wondrous advances in the action stealth aspect of the series as a whole. With the combination of multiple melee takedowns with the machete, the upgradeable bow and the extremely convenient inclusion of a caged wild animal with every stooges outpost, stealth finally meant something and was a viable option for a playstyle. The day/night cycle should have made this a dream for well planned midnight attacks and perfectly poised assassination attempts and sometimes it really did work that way. But only sometimes. The preternatural ability of the guards to sense a parachute a good two hundred feet above their heads often curtailed what should have been a defining moment of the game; the time you wing suited over the camp, pulled your chute high and carefully glided in to land behind a sniper in his tower. One slit throat later and your target is in your sights. A whisper of a bullet spitting the air and you are nothing more than another shadow already receding into the jungle. Instead it always, always ended up as either a lackluster outpost clearly manned by the Blind And The Deaf Henchman's Society; or the Psychic Guards Freelance Agency were there in force and could sense you a mile off, leading to a huge and gruesome firefight. Let's make night and more specifically darkness meaningful again. Give us more opportunities to be James Bond before we have to resort to being the Butcher Of Rook Island.
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Far Cry 4
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A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.