Far Cry 4: 10 Things We Want To See

3. Make The Elephants More Than Just Another Vehicle

This is a difficult one. Elephants are always difficult to do. In reality, their sheer mass and height are intimidating and fascinating in equal measures. That we have tamed these behemoths of the slopes is a testament to what mankind can do, and it's an animal that our children find absorbing and amazing from birth. It is a tall order, then, to give them the gravitas and subtle underlying sense of threat that we all feel when we come face to face with a giant pachyderm in a zoo; much more so if you have had the great good fortune to see elephants up close in the wild. In Far Cry 4 the elephants cannot be just another vehicle in a different skin. If all they are are mobile turret platforms then the point has been missed entirely. Remember these are the creatures that drove hardened roman legionaries insane in Hannibal Barca's campaign against the Roman empire, because of the devastation they caused on the battlefield they were assumed to be demons - a sign of the end of the world. Now we show their image to our children and it is one of their first words, but in Far Cry 4 we need to feel the limb vibrating, ground shaking pound of a charging elephant and to feel true, cold panic grip us.
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Far Cry 4
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A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.