Far Cry 5: 5 Things We Learned From E3 2017

2. Tower-Based Map Unlocks Are Gone

Far cry 5

You learn about the world through talking, but also through exploration. The Creative Director invites the gamer to simply take his time and explore the game, as taking a different direction on the map influences the experience that you're going to have.

Unlike in the previous games, you won't be able to climb the tower and immediately learn about the environment. Here you have to experience the world first-hand to actually know it.

There's also the game's mainstay - hunting. Boomer might be helpful here, as he's able to scare away a wolf or a bear, which can be very useful when one sneaks up on you. The game has added fishing as well, which can actually make for some downtime from all the killing.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.