Far Cry: New Dawn - 8 Details You Need To Know
5. It’ll Probably Use Far Cry 5’s Map
This has by no means been confirmed, but based on a few factors you can make an educated guess about the map. Whether that’s controversial or not is really up to each individual player, but the history is clear.
Spin off game Primal received some criticism for essentially being a reskinned Far Cry 3. The prehistoric creatures and activities had simply pasted over the terrain Jason Brody has trekked through in the third instalment. The actual gameplay itself still made for an enjoyable spin off, but there was a little bit of unrest from fans at being given the same map from a franchise that touts island exploration as a huge draw.
Ubisoft may well have learned their lesson and could serve up something totally different for New Dawn. However, with this being subtitled rather than numeric, there is precedent. And like most molehill sized mountains in gaming (remember puddlegate?), the controversy blew over quite quickly.
As mentioned with Seed though, there are direct links to Far Cry 5 here so there’s some justification. Even if it’s not a 1:1 scale copy, expect some locations from the last game to return.