Far Cry: New Dawn - 8 Details You Need To Know

3. It’s Coming For Fallout

Far Cry New Dawn

The last few months have not been kind to Fallout, to say the least. Fallout 76’s launch has been an exercise in terrible PR. The game itself is fairly barren, devoid of NPCs. But a below average game is hardly a crisis.

However, add to that the fact they cheaped out on promised goods as part of the special Power Armour edition, compensated players so poorly with in game credit that they couldn’t even buy virtual replicas of the goods they’d been promised and had a leak of players’ personal info and it’s been a downright disaster.

Though no one took any potshots at them particularly during the game awards, they still received two swift ones to their gentleman’s area. Obsidian, the original Fallout developers, announced a new space RPG The Outer Worlds, with Far Cry: New Dawn being post apocalyptic just like Fallout.

In industries where timing and trends play a huge role, the iron seems blisteringly hot right now. As Fallout’s reputation crumbles, Far Cry could step in and take in the crowd still looking for their fill of nuclear wasteland gaming.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)