Far Cry Primal - 9 Big Things It Must Fix From 4
Please, no more overly eccentric villains.
Ubisoft are playing to win in 2016. Not only do they have feature-packed The Division set to drop in March, but they're taking a year out to let Assassin's Creed's reputation heal up a bit following Unity's still-bleeding wounds, and lastly, Far Cry should by completely revitalised by changing everything that's gone before. It marks the first spin-off instalment since the ludicrously brilliant Far Cry: Blood Dragon expansion for FC 3, or Far Cry Instincts/Predator way back on the 360. Point being, Ubisoft have so far done right by the Far Cry name, ensuring each main instalment has a proficiency not seen in their other long-term franchises. Speaking of proficiency though, Far Cry 4 was very much a re-skin of part three, from the weapons on-hand to the unlockable abilities - even down to another monologue-loving overlord ruling the lands. Now, we've got eyes on Far Cry Primal and it's been almost two years since the fourth main entry, but has that been enough time to really provide a sequel that doesn't turn out to be more of the same under the hood, fixing the issues that made part four so ultimately forgettable?