Far Cry Primal - 9 Big Things It Must Fix From 4

7. A Reason To Use Multiple Weapons (Especially The Bow & Arrow)

For all Far Cry 4 tried to encourage you to craft multiple weapon types and keep them handy for whatever may get in your way, thanks to a restrictive inventory, once you'd matched a silencer with a pistol or a long range scope with a rifle, that was all she wrote. Unless you were packing something like a flamethrower or grenade launcher for poops n' giggles, the basic gameplay loop meant you became increasingly reliant on the same weapons over and over. Enemy variety played a massive part in this, too, as aside from the occasional 'heavy' that would require a few clips-worth of ammo to put down, you never needed to vary your approach. How about enemies that have very specific weak spots, therefore meaning if you can hit them with an arrow you can take them out, or larger enemies that can be targeted for limb damage to either reduce their movement or disarm them, Fallout-style? There should be so much more to cracking an outpost than just wading in with the same two weapons as always, and hopefully Primal can address this right away.
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